All Properties

Using a feed will ensure that the properties listed are always up2date and reflect the correct information, as its information is updated as soon as properties are reserved/sold or changed in price.

The All Properties Feed holds all properties from the other feeds (Minthis, Pafilia and Featured) together in one big set, this makes the All Properties feed the one to choose if you need the whole portfolio of available properties.

Find below the available formats for the All Properties feed :

Facebook – Real Estate
RightMove (non UK) version 3i
Rofo (Commercial)
Zillow (USA)

For those who are familiar with Bazaraki, we’ve also made the properties in this feed available in the Bazaraki proprietary format.

Choose the XML format which is supported by your portal provider, or your own DBMS (DataBase Management System) import routine, in order to consume the feed.

Use right/click to on each of the options to copy the link to your clipboard, and paste it in the setup of your feed reader.

See below a snapshot of properties provided through this his feed:

If you cannot use any of these options please visit the mini-site of this feed here.

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